Visual remote assistance, or remote assistance in person, provides companies with a new way to organize their teams’ work. With an increased number of work-from-home methods, this new reality has helped companies increase their productivity by 30%.

Eckert & Ziegler Introduces Augmented Reality to Increase Customer Satisfaction by 30%
Eckert & Ziegler Introduces Augmented Reality to Increase Customer Satisfaction by 30%

Case Study from | Glartek

It is often difficult for companies to deliver services at anytime, anywhere. Experts with a high  degree of know-how aren’t always available, and most of the time, their availability is not  proportional to the needs of customers. Remote Assistance allows experts to work side-by-side  with frontline workers and clients and ensure they provide assistance at any time.  

Visual remote assistance, or remote assistance in person, provides companies with a new way  to organize their teams’ work. With an increased number of work-from-home methods, this new  reality has become more powerful over time and has helped companies increase their  productivity by 30%. It also reduces travel by 25% and guarantees that every process is  executed safely. 

• Increase Productivity 

• Reduce Travel time 

• Executed Safely 



Eckert & Ziegler is one of the world's largest providers of isotope technology for medical,  scientific, and industrial use. The company, which has multiple subsidiaries, focuses on helping  industrial leaders deal with radioactive substances and healthcare. Their goal is to lead the  production, exchange, disposal, and storage of dangerous materials. Thus, it involves a high  degree of know-how on dangerous procedures and the potential hazards of dealing with  chemical elements. 

By performing source tests, and providing supervisor and technical advice, as well as,  emergency services, the company has been able to leave its mark on the industrial market and  achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction. 



Eckert & Ziegler is a service provider that has different subsidiaries. Isotrent, as one of these  subsidiaries, has been challenged with high demand in regard to complex procedures, for only a  small team of experts. Therefore, experienced resources are quite limited. Junior roles need to  learn fast how to perform complex tasks and procedures, for both national and international  customers.  

As a result, the company is now faced with several new challenges: 

1. Difficulty in ensuring correct support for customers 

Customers are often confronted with unexpected problems and need support from the provider  to reach a resolution. 

2. Junior roles are difficult to train since senior experts are often busy The high-risk environment, in which the company works, demands highly qualified  professionals. However, junior profiles are hard to train in a small team, since most experts are  always busy.  

3. Complex communication & training between Isotrent and its mother company Isotrent and its mother company are headquartered in two different countries. Consequently,  communication, as well as new instructions, training, and other businesses between both  companies are complex.  



In summary, the challenges faced by the company meant one thing: the expert team needed to  be centralized and constantly available to help both customers and junior profiles. Additionally,  training sessions for junior profiles must be straight to the point and the learning curve must be  efficient.  

Therefore, remote tools were the easiest way to address these challenges and the best way to  carry out such demanding daily operations. The company invested in a Visual Remote  Assistance that would avoid:  

(1) experts having to travel; 

(2) communicate through inefficient document-sharing tools. 

The 5 steps solution is presented as follows: 

1. Providing efficient Visual Remote Assistance tools to deploy in both field workers’ and  clients' devices (mobile, tablet, PC, or smart glasses).

2. The expert team is centralized: Since experts now have more time available, the new  reality becomes a centralized remote team able to help anyone at any time, using a remote assistance tool. 

3. Remote training for junior profiles: Training sessions are more efficient because the  Visual Remote Assistance solution helps experts provide accurate guidance during  problem-solving. 

4. A centralized management policy enables more control and visibility over operations.  Time and costs are reduced, and decision-making is improved, optimizing the company’s  continuous improvement strategy. 



Customers and junior roles embraced this change in remote work very well. Whereas, for the  mother company-subsidiary communication, the changes remain slower. Resolution time and  costs were dramatically reduced, and customer satisfaction was increased, by being able to  answer their needs in real-time, which wasn’t possible before. 

15% Productivity increase 

Productivity increased by 15% due to (1) reduction of unplanned trips and (2) a more  knowledgeable team. Eckert & Ziegler’s junior profiles started to learn faster, and experts  are now able to answer more demands. 

50% Problems reduced 

Problems presented by customers or frontline workers are solved faster and with a high  first-time fix rate for new problems. 

30% Customer satisfaction increase 

By having faster and high-quality problem resolution, customer service improved. 



1. Enable any interaction to be done remotely with the mother company (e.g., training,  meetings, ...). 

2. Solve facilities problems with the help of the German company to whom the building is  rented. 

3. Spread the tool to other suppliers, to improve interactions along the whole supply chain. 

“With GlarAssist, we are finally able to keep our most experienced employees centralized, and  consequently, our experts can solve more customers’ requests than before. Fortunately, both  our junior workers and customers are learning how to perform operations they didn’t know  before, which improved our operational efficiency and results.” Dr. Radek Řezáč, Operations  Director






About Glartek
Glartek, founded in 2017, is a leader in Augmented Reality (AR) solutions for Manufacturing and  Asset Intensive Industries and our mission is to increase the efficiency and safety of operational  processes. Our software solutions combine the AR and Internet of Things domains to bring  visibility, optimization, and reassurance to field operations. Glartek has offices in Lisbon and  Leiria, Portugal, has very large customers such as EDP and Renault, and has raised over  €1.5M in venture capital. 

The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of ManufacturingTomorrow

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