How To Choose A Suitable Electric Motor For Your Application

When you are choosing an electric motor for your application, there are several variables to consider, including the intended industry application and the type of motor that will be most suited to your requirements. This is where custom electric motors are most helpful.

U.S. Manufacturers Falling Behind China in EV Production

Electric vehicles (EVs) are changing the face of auto manufacturing. As concerns over climate change grow, zero-emission cars are becoming an increasingly crucial part of this industry. However, recent reports suggest the U.S. is falling behind in production.

What Is The Best Electric Motor For A Conveyor System?

In this article, we take a brief look at which type of conveyor motor might be best for your needs and how Parvalux can help you select a geared motor from stock or create a fully-custom design.

Key Advantages Of Permanent Magnet Motors

You will find permanent magnet motors in any number of appliances in your daily life, from toothbrushes to mobility solutions; but what exactly are they and what are their advantages?

Choosing Between Variable Speed Drives and Soft Starters

One of the highest areas of energy consumption for electric motors is the start-up cycle, as accelerating up to the necessary speed requires a lot of power. Soft starters and VSDs are great ways to reduce and manage energy usage during these periods.

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PI USA - Ultrafast Laser Systems Improve Performance in Material Processing

PI USA - Ultrafast Laser Systems Improve Performance in Material Processing

Ultrafast lasers can be highly effective in ultraprecise micromachining of many materials, such as polymers, which are very susceptible to collateral damage from heat accumulation. Applications are found from medical technology to semiconductor manufacturing.