It's Time for Procurement to own Scope 3 Emissions
Scope 3 emissions are the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for an organization-extracted from a wide range of activities-including purchased goods and services, waste disposal, capital goods, and business travel.
Managing the Rising Issue of VOCs in Modern Manufacturing
Given the industrial nature of their operations, modern manufacturing plants, and the activities performed there, are often significant sources of VOCs. Thus, company leaders must take decisive steps to mitigate the threat.
Coping With Rising Energy Prices - Can Manufacturers Remain Profitable Against Energy Uncertainty?
There is currently no end in sight for increasing energy costs. Nevertheless, it's an opportunity for manufacturers to reevaluate their current supply chains and internal processes, and embrace more energy efficient production through Industry 4.0.
The Role of RO in Industrial Manufacturing
When most people hear "reverse osmosis" (RO), their minds likely go to drinking water. While purifying drinking water is a significant use case for it, and arguably its most notable, RO has far broader applications.
Is Recycling the New Manufacturing? How Companies Who Take a Green, Circular Approach are Saving Money and the Environment
Impacts of this waste are widely understood, with rotting items contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, general pollution, and microplastics littering our waterways and infiltrating the food chain. What many don't seem to understand, however, is the economic impact of waste.
How to Prevent Industrial Air Pollution in Manufacturing
With the constant growth in demand for manufactured goods and environmental protections under coordinated assault, there's never been a more important time for manufacturers to take their part in air pollution seriously.
The Functioning & Benefits Of Dust Extraction Systems
Exposure to dust and fumes can not only cause long term health problems for operators but can also damage machinery, reduce productivity and lower the quality of end products.
How Green Has Manufacturing Become Over the Years?
If manufacturers continue to make their processes more sustainable and consumers continue to support their environmental efforts, perhaps well one day live in a truly sustainable society.
Challenges of Proper Air Ventilation
There is no question that increased outdoor air ventilation can have a positive impact on the indoor air quality.
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